bushwick community café & grocery
type: commercial renovation
client: venn city
program: cafe storefront
location: 533 wilson, brooklyn, ny
area: 1,750 sq.ft
calendar: 2019-2020
bushwick community place: somewhere within the madness of city life, we want more time to see friends, explore our interests, make a positive impact, and yes, even feel comfortable popping over to the neighbor for a cup of sugar. we imagine a place we can really call home…maybe even bring up some kids together.
in developing a community space for a company that emphasizes “harmony between the pace of urban life and our need for more balanced and meaningful lives,” a former garage space in bushwick underwent an adaptive reuse renovation. by building out from an existing building in the neighborhood and creating a new facade, this project acts as a new symbol of a community. “it’s a place that encourages entrepreneurship, fair pricing, creativity and a network of relationships, all stemming from an inclusive and supportive community.”